Welcome to New Ash Green Primary School where our ethos, ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’, underpins our inclusive approach to meeting the needs of all learners including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

We aim to create an environment that meets the needs of each and every child, including those with SEND, through high quality teaching with a supportive, nurturing approach where parents and pupils feel fully involved in the process.  

Key People

Mrs Sam Goss – Inclusion Manager
(SENDCO, Designated Teacher and Designated Safeguard Lead)
01474 873858 

Mrs Den Girbow – SEND Governor

SEND Profile of the School

There are currently 385 pupils on roll at New Ash Green Primary School.  The percentage of pupils on the SEND Register is approximately 19%.

These pupils receive support that is ‘additional to or different from’ that provided for other pupils in their class, for them to access the curriculum and make progress from their own starting point. Support can take many forms, for example through a range of recommended interventions, additional strategies that support the needs of a given individual child and, most importantly, quality first teaching.

Linked Documents 

  1. SEND Information Report Click here
  2. Whole School Graduated Approach Click here
  3. Mainstream Core Standards for Parents: Click here
  4. Link to Kent’s Local Offer: Click here
  5. Link to Kent’s SEND Information Hub: Click here
  6. New Ash Green Primary School’s SEND Policy: Click here

SEND Frequently Asked Questions for Parents and Carers: 

In the first instance please discuss your concerns with your child’s class teacher. He or she will liaise with the Inclusion Manager or other senior leaders to clarify and address the concerns.

The class teachers continually assess and review the progress of pupils and meet formally 6 times a year to discuss all pupils. At this stage there may be extra support put into place to help your child ‘catch up’, and this will be reviewed at the next meeting. You will be given a copy of the provision map or plan showing what support is in place for your child.

If your child continues to make either little or no progress despite high quality teaching, we can use a range of assessment tools to clarify any learning difficulty or barrier to learning. We can also engage support from external agencies for further advice. If following this, support is put into place which is additional to and different from what is normally available, in discussion with parents and carers, your child will be added to the school’s SEND Register, and you will be formally notified by letter. We feel that early identification is vital, to ensure that you are involved in the process at the earliest opportunity.

Your child’s class teacher should always be the first point of contact, but there are other members of staff available for help and support:

Mrs Church (Family Liaison Officer)

Mrs Goss (Inclusion Manager)

Mrs Gingell (EYFS & KS1 Assistant Headteacher)

Mrs Nurdin (KS2 Assistant Headteacher)

Mrs Davin (Deputy Headteacher)

Mrs Cain (Headteacher)

SEND web-links