
As many children probably received new online devices for Christmas, we would like to take this opportunity to remind all Parents and Carers about the need to be aware of hour your child is using the internet.

There are links below that will give you advice and support.  Please click here to view the most up-to-date apps which you should know about.

The e-Safety Policy is part of the ICT and Safeguarding Policies. It relates to other policies including those for behaviour, anti-bullying, personal, social and health education (PSHE) and for citizenship.

The school has an e-Safety Coordinator, Mrs Nurdin. She is both Designated Child Protection Coordinator and the E-safety Coordinator as the roles overlap.

The e-Safety Policy and its implementation are reviewed annually. Our e-Safety Policy has been written by the school, building on the KCC e-Safety Policy and government guidance.

It has been agreed by the Senior Leadership Team and approved by governors. Please see our e-Safety Policy for more information.

Pupils are not permitted to bring mobile phones or iPads to school on the grounds that they are valuable and may be lost or stolen.

However, we recognise that in Year Five and Year Six mobile phones may have a part to play in securing pupils’ personal safety before and after school and on journeys to and from school.

Our expectation is that in all other year groups pupils will be collected by an adult or responsible person. If a pupil needs to contact his/her parents/carers they will be allowed to use a school phone. If parents need to contact children urgently they should phone the school office and a message will be relayed promptly.

Please see our Mobile Phone Policy for more information.

Click on the links below to find out more about helping your child stay safe online.

Online Safety workshop May 2022

Parent Factsheet SID16

Parents Conversation Starters

CyberSprinters – A new educational online game to help children stay cyber aware for 7-11 year old children launched by the National Cyber Security Centre

Houseparty App – What parents need to know about the Houseparty App

National Online Safety Guide – An extremely good website with guides to keep your children safe with their online games.

Digital Parenting – A guide to a healthy family online life.

Online Safety at Home






